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Tirta Investama Group

Aqua Golden Mississipi

Bina Karya Prima

Sinar Sosro Group

Sariguna Primatirta

Citra Golden Tunggal

Gajah Izumi Mas Perkasa

Amidis Tirta Mulia

Tirta Darussalam Internusa

Tirtasari Sumber Murni

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PT Namasindo Plas started to develop its PET bottle recycling business in 2007
With the aim of providing a concrete solution related to solving the problems of plastic waste, especially for PET bottles.
What People Say about Us
Teknologi canggih pengolahan sampah botol plastic ini di miliki oleh Namasindo Plas. Satu-satunya fasilitas di Indonesia mengubah PET plastic dengan 5 tahap untuk kembali menjadi kemasan botol plastic siap pakai.
The Advanced technology for processing plastic bottle waste is owned by Namasindo Plas.
The only facility in Indonesia that converts PET Plastic with 5 stages into a ready to use plastic bottle packaging.
Namasindo Plas merupakan pioneer dan satu-satunya di Indonesia bahkan di Asia Tenggara pengelola sampah botol plastik PET yang kembali menjadi botol baru.
Ada banyak perusahaan yang mengelola plastik namun tidak kembali dalam bentuk botol.
Namasindo Plas is a pioneer and the only one in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia who manages PET Plastic bottle waste becomes new bottles.
There are many Companies that manager plastics but not transform them into bottles.
PT Namasindo Plas merupakan mitra kami dalam mengembangkan dan memproduksi berbagai inovasi kemasan yang lebih ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan bahan baku plastik daur ulang atau RPET
PT Namasindo Plas is our partner in developing and producing various packaging innovations that are more environmentally friendly by using Recycled plastic raw materials or RPET.
– Corporation Communication Director Of Danone Indonesia –
Kita sudah punya pabrik pengelolaan sampah botol plastik jadi botol baru bisa dibuat dari daur ulang botol plastik.
We already have plastic bottle waste management factory, that can produces recycled plastic bottles into new bottles.
– Artist / Observer of the Marine Environment / The Founder of Indonesia Ocean Pride –